Auto-Bayes is a software package based on Bayesian statistics and requires no user dependent parameters for molecule detection and image reconstruction for Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy (SMLM), including photoactivated localization microscope (PALM), stochastic optical reconstruction microscope (STORM), and direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM), etc. Based on the distribution of photoelectrons for all candidates of single emitters, Bayesian statistics is used with two prior distributions for false and true emitters respectively, Auto-Bayes automatically discriminate single molecules with high accuracy. It is a cross-platform parallel-computing software package running on Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) for 2-dimensions and 3-dimensions (under development) SMLM data analysis.
The motivation of the development of Auto-Bayes is to offer a SMLM software package without requiring any user dependent parameters, and give high-accuracy detection of single molecule (High Jaccard). It is useful for the researchers using SMLM without being experts in single molecule spectroscopy and super-resolution fluorescence microscopy.
Auto-Bayes is released under BSD and LGPL licenses. Auto-Bayes runs on a computer equipped with Nvidia CUDA-enabled graphics card with compute capability 2.0 or higher. To determine compute capability of an Nvidia graphics card, please refer
Caution: install newest Nvidia GPU driver, and do not connect the calculating GPU with the monitor!!!
Auto-Bayes version 1.0
Download the binary code for windowns 7 64bit.
Download the source code for windowns 7 64bit.
Download the source code for linux 64bit.
Auto-Bayes histogram visual tool version 1.0
Download the matlab code.
Auto-Bayes is a software package based on Bayesian statistics and requires no user dependent parameters for molecule detection and image reconstruction for Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy (SMLM), including photoactivated localization microscope (PALM), stochastic optical reconstruction microscope (STORM), and direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM), etc. Based on the distribution of photoelectrons for all candidates of single emitters, Bayesian statistics is used with two prior distributions for false and true emitters respectively, Auto-Bayes automatically discriminate single molecules with high accuracy. It is a cross-platform parallel-computing software package running on Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) for 2-dimensions and 3-dimensions (under development) SMLM data analysis.
The motivation of the development of Auto-Bayes is to offer a SMLM software package without requiring any user dependent parameters, and give high-accuracy detection of single molecule (High Jaccard). It is useful for the researchers using SMLM without being experts in single molecule spectroscopy and super-resolution fluorescence microscopy.
Auto-Bayes is released under BSD and LGPL licenses. Auto-Bayes runs on a computer equipped with Nvidia CUDA-enabled graphics card with compute capability 2.0 or higher. To determine compute capability of an Nvidia graphics card, please refer
Caution: install newest Nvidia GPU driver, and do not connect the calculating GPU with the monitor!!!
Auto-Bayes version 1.0
Download the binary code for windowns 7 64bit.
Download the source code for windowns 7 64bit.
Download the source code for linux 64bit.
Auto-Bayes histogram visual tool version 1.0
Download the matlab code.
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