Date: 2019-10-21
Time: 14:00
Venue: 2nd floor conference room, South Building
Speakers: Prof. Yuanyuan Zhang, Wake Forest University, Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM), USA.

Professor Dr.Yuanyuan Zhang, Wake Forest University,Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM), USA. Dr.Zhang received his M.S.and Jiangxi Medical College in China.He completed his residency in urology and renal transplantation at the same medical institution, and then acted as a certified urologist in China. Following this, he completed a two-year research fellowship awarded by the international society of nephrology and trained in the Department of Urology/Nephrology at Christchurch Hospital in New Zealand.He earned the Doctorat ENMedecine (Ph.D. equivalent in the US) at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland in 2001. He completed postdoctorial training and became an assistant professor at the University of Oklahoma. Dr. Zhang joined the Institute for Regenerative Medicine in January 2006. Dr.Zhang's research interests include mesenchymal stem cells, biological scaffolds, cell therapy and tissue engineering for urology and andrology applications, enhanced 3D cell culture for drug development.
Academic communication ability has now become one of the important indicators to measure the overall quality of scientific research workers. How to improve international academic communication skills is also an important part for researchers. Professor Zhang will provide adviceon how to improve his international academic communication skills based on his extensive academic exchange experience.
Date: 2019-10-21
Time: 14:00
Venue: 2nd floor conference room, South Building
Speakers: Prof. Yuanyuan Zhang, Wake Forest University, Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM), USA.
Professor Dr.Yuanyuan Zhang, Wake Forest University,Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM), USA. Dr.Zhang received his M.S.and Jiangxi Medical College in China.He completed his residency in urology and renal transplantation at the same medical institution, and then acted as a certified urologist in China. Following this, he completed a two-year research fellowship awarded by the international society of nephrology and trained in the Department of Urology/Nephrology at Christchurch Hospital in New Zealand.He earned the Doctorat ENMedecine (Ph.D. equivalent in the US) at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland in 2001. He completed postdoctorial training and became an assistant professor at the University of Oklahoma. Dr. Zhang joined the Institute for Regenerative Medicine in January 2006. Dr.Zhang's research interests include mesenchymal stem cells, biological scaffolds, cell therapy and tissue engineering for urology and andrology applications, enhanced 3D cell culture for drug development.
Academic communication ability has now become one of the important indicators to measure the overall quality of scientific research workers. How to improve international academic communication skills is also an important part for researchers. Professor Zhang will provide adviceon how to improve his international academic communication skills based on his extensive academic exchange experience.
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