New citation data released by Thomson ISI shows the first Impact Factor of Nanoscale to be 4.109!
This great news demonstrates the journal has attracted and published outstanding research, and has a very large, community-spanning international readership.
Since its launch in late 2009, Nanoscale has quickly established itself as a platform for high-quality research which bridges the various disciplines involved with nanoscience and nanotechnology. Nanocale continues to attract work of the highest quality and impact, and is read by the full breadth of the nano-communities it serves.
The Editorial Office thanks all our Board members, authors and readers for their support.
A technical error by Thomson ISI resulted in Nanoscale’s omission from the initial release of figures. The Journal Citation Report (JCR) will update the information in September. The first Impact Factor of Nanoscale can be found on the JCR Notices page:
New citation data released by Thomson ISI shows the first Impact Factor of Nanoscale to be 4.109!
This great news demonstrates the journal has attracted and published outstanding research, and has a very large, community-spanning international readership.
Since its launch in late 2009, Nanoscale has quickly established itself as a platform for high-quality research which bridges the various disciplines involved with nanoscience and nanotechnology. Nanocale continues to attract work of the highest quality and impact, and is read by the full breadth of the nano-communities it serves.
The Editorial Office thanks all our Board members, authors and readers for their support.
A technical error by Thomson ISI resulted in Nanoscale’s omission from the initial release of figures. The Journal Citation Report (JCR) will update the information in September. The first Impact Factor of Nanoscale can be found on the JCR Notices page:
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